So there are several photos here. I guess I'll just upload them and then try to post something about them. I HATE the format here, though, it's hard to space what I type to fit the photo it belongs with. Grrrrrr.
--Ok, I don't really have time for that. Kevin's due back w/the boys from karate any second and once Owen gets here and starts climbing in my chair I'm gonna lose my mind. What little bit hasn't been lost already. He has been fixated on the animals lately. Not a good thing. Pulling cats' tails, grabbing them around the middle to try and lift them (Harmony HATES having her belly touched!), screaming at the puppy every chance he gets and then sneaking his snack food to her on the's been a bit much. I'm surprised they haven't all tried to rehome themselves this week.
The photo of the soup is Tom Kha Goong. I think. Anyway, it's a spicy coconut soup with shrimp. Holy cowabunga. It was so good. I finally found an Asian market close to me and got some authentic ingredients. Of course Owen was running in circles around the tiny aisles, picking up small jars of hot sauce and packages of noodles...the people inside were laughing. I swear, I held on to him as tightly as I could and I'd let go ONLY to put something inside my basket quickly and ZOOM. Off he was, fast as a rocket. At least he didn't pour oil or break anything.
The rest are the boys, in various states throughout the past couple of days. I was especially proud that I got laughing smiles out of Owen TWICE. *insert happy jig* Not sure if it'll work again in the future, but hey, small victories still count.

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