Thursday, June 18, 2009

June 18

Today I accompanied dh and the boys to the pool at Grammy's house. Grammy and Grandaddy are out of town, but they allowed access to the pool (and geez, who could resist these two cuties? three, if you count dh!). They've been every day this week and I heard that Owen was a maniac in the water wings. I was impressed that he had actually learned to keep his mouth closed in the water, as he hangs down low enough that it's half up his chin. Opening up just provided a direct access for water flow to his lungs, or stomach. Depending on what's happening in the throat.

But we had fun. I actually did try to get some pics of me in the pool with them, a rarity let me tell you, bathing suits are not so fun these days, but alas, Zach decided to keep splashing and I wasn't risking a camera and lens just for a quick snapshot. How ironic that I kept typing that 'snapsnot'?

Unfortunately, I took a Zyrtec before we left b/c the sneeze fits were setting in, and I crashed hard, passing out for most of the afternoon when we got back. I won't be able to do that again for a while!

Zach doing a belly flop...

and a close up of his freaky looking face distorted by the water.


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