Welcome Hurricane Season! Not. I'm sort of worried knowing I'll be gone to WV and a hurricane might come along and wipe out my house. I'm pretty sure dh won't give a sh*t about my herbs and whatnot. Actually, he's pretty good, he'd probably bring them in. But will he remember to move all the photos and things to a higher area? Will he move the computer and external hard drive to a safe place? Etc etc etc. It's impossible for me to not worry.
It's also impossible for me to clean the house if I can occupy myself with another meaningful activity. After getting groceries today, I realized it was IMPERATIVE that I spend time making wontons. For dinner, and for freezing so dh can make his own wonton soup while I'm gone. I'm sure frozen foods more than compensate for dirty floors. I did get some laundry done, though.
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