We had to take Kevin to the airport Sunday to fly back home so he could go to work and bring in the moolah. They boys and I are hanging out here in the hills until he gets another 4 day weekend, then he'll fly up and we'll drive back home. Going to the airport we flew through my grandparents' house for a very brief 'hello' then rushed to the airport, then on to my mom's house in Kentucky. Spent the night there, then drove around the next day to Ashland b/c I needed tires. Should have gotten them before I left, and thanks SO MUCH Danny for pointing it out AND for all your help with buying them b/c it had completely left my mind. Although subconsciously it was stressing me. Now I feel much better driving. Not that I feel much like driving.
Anyway, another 4 hour trek back to my brother's yesterday evening. The boys have been great troopers, although Zach did get carsick yesterday. A little Dramamine to the rescue and he did fine on the long ride back to WV. We plan to stay put for a while now.
So, not as many pics and certainly not much time to post them. But here you go :)
Did someone say mischevious?

Daddy makes a good horse. For a few steps, anyway.

Playing hide and seek...little boys and girls don't always look UP, this spot served him well for quite some time.


Wild raspberries, his new favorite.

Not quite American Gothic, I think they look too happy to qualify.
Wow, busy week! I'm glad you've gotten to post some pictures... Look forward to more. Love the raspberries picture :P
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