Saturday night...ahhhhh. Tonight's pic was an experiment of two sorts. One was lighting/tripod/timing etc. The other was testing my faith in Owen's sleep depth haha. I put him to bed (asleep) and then went and got the tripod, setting it up next to his crib. The room was so dark that I ended up turning on a small lamp, but then threw a towel over it...I just needed enough light to see what I was focusing on. Then...since it was still so dark, I had to use the flash to get the focal point set, but turned off the flash and took the photo with a variety of lens speeds, longest was 30 seconds.
It came out pretty light, not surprising with the slow speed and little bit of lamp light. However, you'd never believe how dark the room actually was. I'm not sure what I was expecting, but no matter, at least it's peaceful. And he didn't wake up!
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