As I sat at the computer uploading the pics I'd taken the past 2 nights, I couldn't find any dated April 2. And the ones I swore I'd taken last night were dated April 1. I thought I was losing my mind (although I am certain that's happened already) I finally realized my camera was under the impression that it was leap year and March 1 pics were dated February 29. So all the exif data since then has been wrong. Sigh. I guess I need to figure out how to fix that.
Anyway, more night shots. These are even darker b/c I turned off the main porch light. I left the side one on, and you can see the spots of light as it filtered through the lattice of the pergola and covering foliage. It was so dark I had a very hard time focusing so I apologize for the lack of clarity. I had the shutter open for 25 seconds and in the bottom left of the pic there's a blur of gray, as Harmony ventured outdoors briefly and hopped up on the timber, and she did NOT stay still for 25 seconds. At least you can see that I've been working on the timbers! They are a bit straighter looking now.
Then we decided to see if Zach could sit completely still for 25 seconds. Hahaha. Now that's a funny thought. All things considered, though, he didn't do so badly.
This Saturday’s Recipes by The Pioneer Woman
4 years ago
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