I have been legitimately busy! I swear! I was emailed by Zach's teacher about a potential opportunity for him/other students. The county fair is apparently having a youth cooking competition and maybe some of them would be interested? It wouldn't be a school event, just an extra and I would be in charge of deciding whether or not to go forward. Of COURSE Zach wanted to do it, anything to cram more stuff into MY life. One of the girls from last year's solar cooking competition (OMG that was crazy) was also mentioned as being interested and she agreed that she'd love to do it. The catch? I had about 1 1/2 weeks to prepare because the fair event is on Sunday the 24th. Eeek.
So I'm still scrambling. Zach hasn't done a lot of cooking lately and he tends to be a bit scattered, and S, his friend, hasn't done much cooking other than noodles (her words). I've had 2 cooking days in the past week where I walk them through a meat and veg. with lots of garlic mincing along the way and it's been a big exhausting mess. The catch to the competition, as I've been told, is that the kids in groups of 2 will have a box of a surprise beef and veg ingredients. They will then have to prepare an entree but will be able to bring 'spices' from home. It's all up in the air, however, because I can't get the lady to call me back and I don't know if the two are actually registered or not, or if I need a waiver/liability form for S's parents to sign, what 'spices' actually means, etc. So maybe we'll be cooking and maybe we won't. Or they, not we. Whatever. At least I got dinner cooked for me last night and we made my first ever homemade chimichurri sauce. Yummy! No pics, though. Too many dishes to wash for me to have the energy for the camera.
I did take pics of Zach over the weekend, though. A few glasses of wine seems to help numb the burning in my hands and arms (woohoo!) so on Sat I indulged and set up my flash remotely so go off at an angle in the garage, hung some black muslin and made Zach grab his newest cloak. I like what we ended up with. The problem I had was that in backing up out of the garage to get a wider shot, I'd end up in the sun which was somehow affecting my ability to focus or skewed my light sensing or something, I'm not sure what. So most of the shots had me too close to really get it all, but hey, it was an experiment and it was fun and that's what counts, right?
And how can I leave without posting one of my smaller spawn? ♥ He can't NOT make a face when I try to take a photo of him. So rotten. So lovable.
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