Here's one: Most nights my nose gets congested. No biggie, it just clogs up a bit and I'm able to breathe well enough from the clear side. No, it's not adenoids, those were removed waaayy back in the dark ages. BUT the apparently odd part (according to my dear husband's reaction when I told him) is the fact that the clogged side is always the side that's down, ie, the left nostril if I'm lying on my left side. If it gets to the point that I feel pressure from the congestion, I can flip over to the right side and the swelling or whatever will shift over, and often I get a satisfying POP sensation when it clears completely, thus clogging the other side, complete with almost eye watering sensation. Sometimes I try to trick it by waiting until a.l.m.o.s.t. popping and then flip to my back, as if to say AHA! Caught you! Now where are you going to go? But it inevitably picks a side and I have to resume my flip flop routine until I fall asleep. I guess it's a gravity dependent sinus edema. It's not dripping, no postnasal drip, just blocking my life's breath. As I said, no biggie. Now if I'm truly sick or having an allergy attack with lots of drippy snot and whatnot, all bets are off. No flip flop in the world will fix it then. So, can you flip and clear your nose?
P.S....I would prefer to prove Kevin wrong, I'm NOT a freak in this situation. So click 'yes', mmmkay?
....dude...lie on your back, face sides...#freak
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