...with all these texture possibilities. But at least it's distracting me from Owen's latest...he fell off the couch last night and got a huge blue lump on his forehead immediately. It freaked me out, he has hit hard so many times and NEVER has he had a bump like this. I don't even really know how it happened...he kept getting up and down from the couch and wanting to get between me and the arm of it, and ON the arm of it...one minute he was sitting there and the next he was headfirst hitting the floor. I almost took him to the ER but then calmed down a little and decided to watch him closely, and he's fine. I did keep him in my bed so I could keep close tabs on him (and make sure he was able to wake up now and then) and he slept great. Today the lump is mostly gone, it's down to a typical swelling and purple/brown coloring. Ay, dios mio. My heart can't take much more of his antics and injuries.
So here's an altered pic of my little stinker, I think it's from May? Can't remember. Back in the spring sometime, the original is on here somewhere.
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