I braved the heat (briefly!) to finally meet up with Kelly and her friend and their kids at the park before Kindermusik. Owen wasn't overly thrilled with the socializing aspect of it, I guess he was hot, too, he kept saying "Home!" and trying to leave. But I took my camera along and I got a few pics of him playing on the boardwalk area. He is very familiar with this park, it's where they run the dog, and Owen apparently prefers the walk over the playground. Sorry, Ainsley! Maybe he'll play better next time :)

Here are some older pics...I really like the one of the boys playing with the hose. That one involved a flash mishap...it didn't fire (old batteries, apparently) but it came out really cool. And the other flash mishap...overflash in the tub, also cool. And Sharon, just for you...Owen does spend time working hard on Mr. Potato Head LOL. Do you think he has a future as a tattoo artist? I need to get more photos of Zach. I always think about doing it, and put it off b/c I know he'll comply whereas w/Owen I have to move fast, and I put it off too long before I realize another day has gone by :( Soon, though.

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