Zach and Sophia started Horse Camp yesterday, and despite his many protestations "I'm NOT GOING!" "Why didn't you ASK me if I wanted to go?" "I do NOT LIKE HORSES!" Zach is fully enjoying himself and was raring to go this morning. I'm sure the water slide had some small part to do with it. Although, he mentioned that he got to ride a horse and his eyes lit up as he talked about it, admitting to be scared at first but then it wasn't so bad. On Saturday we'll go and see what all they've learned, I hope I get my butt in gear and bring the video camera. Not sure how well I'll wrangle Owen, regular camera and video camera all three.
Here's the main house on the horse farm, it looks so perfect. The morning was quite misty, it shows somewhat in the photo.

The view below the house. The stables are on the other side, I may take pics of that on another day.

Today Owen and I went for a walk up the hill/road. I was just so tired I thought if I didn't keep moving, I'd fall asleep. And Owen needed a change of scenery, too much time in/at the house. He hasn't been sleeping well and seemed really off kilter yesterday, then lots of restlessness and crying in the night last night. But the walk up the hill was a lot of fun for him, he so enjoys the balancing act of running up and down an incline, something he doesn't get much of at home LOL.

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