Then I finally get up, get dressed and figure out something to do while I'm waiting for everyone else to wake up. I've had several runs to the grocery store, found things to do in the kitchen, etc. I haven't been able to chat on the phone (my cell gets no reception here) and I haven't seen my daily soaps (haha!) but it doesn't feel as if I'm really missing out. Loving the weather (although I've wanted something warmer most mornings!) and we chat with Dada via Skype video calls at least once a day. Owen hears the bong-bong! of the call signal and immediately runs to the computer yelling Dada! Dada! and commences to play peek-a-boo with daddy on the screen. The train runs by below the house a couple of times a day, freaking Owen out and occasionally ruining a nap. But the boys are both having a blast, and yesterday Zach actually got so muddy I sent him to the shower with his clothes still on.
Yesterday my cousing Kathy drove 5 hours to come visit, and it transpired into a sort of house party with my Dad showing up, as well as another brother and several of Rusty and Kims's friends. I was up early b/c I had bread to bake and a cake to finish, etc, so it was a long day with lots of beer and wine and I'm a little fuzzy still, but it was a LOT of fun and so many wonderful people that we met. Makes me wish even more that we lived closer and could have get-togethers like this so much more often.
The first 3 pics are from several days ago, I took the thermometer pics to prove that yes, it IS chilly, it's not just my Floridian status. And a cool shot of our laundry drying on the line.
Late afternoon/early evening:

And the next morning, around 8am:

Such a peaceful, simple sort of thing...

Then, the 'party'...I took so so so many photos. And then we handed the camera to Kim/Willow, who was insisting on a family shot. Well, she couldn't seem to understand that there is no image to view on the screen, you have to actually use the viewfinder. I couldn't understand why she was just holding the camera up and taking pics, then moving it and trying again. When she finally said she couldn't see us on the camera, and thus kept chopping people out of the frame, necessitating the many repeats, Kathy and I totally lost it. I was laughing so hard I was almost crying. The one I've chosen to post here sort of depicts the hilarity and insane chaos of the moment, especially with Owen poking a marker into his eye.
It was a wonderful day. The cute young singer is Kathleen Coffee and she has such a beautiful, soft, soothing voice. The boys both fell in love with her, and Owen was getting all silly and flirty, warming up to her faster than he has anyone on this trip. And she held her own against Zach's tough love. Other friends were Albert, the tall distinguished guitar-playing gentleman, and Owen even befriended him (so you know he's a good guy!) as well as Cassie and Kelly. I didn't get great pics of Cassie and Kelly, by the time they arrived it was getting dark, I was trying to avoid the flash so I kept getting someone out of focus due to the large aperture. Not to mention I'd had several glasses of wine by then and I'd guess that MIGHT have had something to do with it. But they spent the night and Owen had several big grins for them this morning, especially Cassie.
My brother Caleb lives here on the farm, and another brother William arrived, he's the tall one who somehow manages to hide in every photo. Kathy arrived with her friend Maryanne, who immediately begged to wash dishes and proceeded to jump in and help at every possible juncture throughout the day. We have decided to adopt her.
So...with all the photos to upload and the small space to edit here, I'll just upload the list and hope my above descriptions work well enough.

Cuz and Maryanne

My little poser.

Impromptu birthday party

...complete with impromptu birthday presents.

Rusty/Warren, my brother and my pal while growing up

Where in the world is William?

Beautiful Brittany

Why do I ALWAYS miss the big family gatherings??? Tell everyone hi for me, please. Happy Birthday to William and Caleb!!
I like the fork in William's front pocket, LOL. p.s. Is there a way to comment on individual pictures?
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