Ai yai yai...
I have no real excuse. My hands haven't been too horribly bad, but I do have days here and there when things flare up (because I actually DID something! Cha! Like clean the rugs!) I haven't biked in forever, my neck seems to be rather angry with me and my one leg keeps tingling and I have power surges in my foot. Who does that? Me, I guess. I will be seeing the neurosurgeon again soon, my latest MRI shows some very unhappy discs in my neck that are, shall I say, redirecting their anger on some nerves which are in turn being very cranky. Tsk, tsk.
But now summer vacation is setting in and I just know that before I blink twice it will be gone. Last summer Granny died. The summer before that was Boom-pa. This summer we are driving up to WV but there will be no stop at that house in Huntington, which makes me sad, although I think it will hit harder when we just drive by those exits without veering off...
However, we are looking forward to some fun times with family and new friends as well as old... stopping by places I have never even been, looking at my childhood home through new eyes.
Speaking of new things, Owen just finished up his first session/semester/whatever of dance and performed in his first recital! I suck and did not take pics that evening (eh, the neck didn't want me carrying 50 lbs of stuff) but here he is the morning after, he was soooo stoked that he actually DID it (although he will never admit that!) and the post-show adrenaline was still running. He did awesome <3 p="">
And of course some fun photo play, my main man Zach guarding our little bitty Key Limes from that ferocious Katydid.
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