It was a bit bizarre, feeling so nostalgic. I wasn't in Florida for most of the big space age heyday, but I felt a loss as I watched the shuttle leave. We were lucky enough to see Endeavor's last flight back in the spring, and I'm so grateful we got to witness a closer look, feel the air shake, immersed in the awe of space flight.
I woke Owen up at about 5am so we could be in Cocoa Beach by 6am or so. He was so excited. Unfortunately, Zach had school that day, it was during FCAT week so I couldn't let him play hooky. He was pretty sad, because he is showing some bit of interest in photography and is antsy for a sunrise shoot. I met up with my friend Kathy (who has a much better zoom lens than I do) and it was really nice, having a completely different agenda for the morning...aside from the fact that I'd usually still be sleeping ;)
I also got to play with a newer wide-angle lens, which I found pretty awesome for capturing the colors of the landscape as the sun peeked up over the ocean. Owen had a BLAST. It was all so new and magical. Of course, he later fell asleep in school. Oops.
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