So, a brief-ish recap. Holy sh*t. I can't believe it's been since AUGUST. Yikes. Once I gave myself permission to 'give up' so to speak, I just avoided thinking about it. Busy, yes, but not THAT busy. Sheesh.
The pool is done. It's very cute. During the pool remodel, we also did a kitchen remodel. Fun days, let me tell you. Fun fun fun. Back yard totally fenced off, strange folks in or outside of my house for many days, couldn't let Holly outside off leash EVER, no place to let Owen run free, no kitchen sink for many days, unforseen problems and expenses and AAUGGGHHHH. Owen decided he was Mr. Anxiety and started refusing to even SEE Grammy and Grandaddy, let alone go to their house, no more happy days at Tumbleweeds only Mommy mommy mommy mommy MOMMY!!! Did I say it was fun? The poor guy who knocked on the back door one morning when I thought I was safe in my short little bathrobe tucked away inside but OH NO I had to go out and inspect the paver pattern...Fun? Cabinet installers measuring and nailing and sawing and drilling and sawdust flying. Cat footprints tracking dust all over the new stove and brown couches. Drywall dude making a HUGE mess with popcorn splattering all over my dryer, armoire, floor, chairs, walls, you name it. So much fun. I swear, if that cabinet installer had left my front door hanging wide open ONE MORE TIME I was gonna cut his legs off, or something. And of course the a/c died AGAIN during all of this. PLEASE Owen go to Grammy's, mommy is about to go crazy....
But it's done. So done. So very done, in fact, that I don't want to finish the final details. But I'm sure I will, maybe 2 or 5 or 10 years from now. And since it's not DONE done, the kitchen 'final' photos haven't been taken. Nor have the pool photos, for that matter. But here you can see some of the 'progress'. Oh yeah, did I mention that Owen decided to 'help' paint the house? Apparently he loved that mustardy yellow that I put in the kitchen. I caught him just before he rolled the dog.
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