Black widows, brown widows...I do NOT like them. I don't really like any spider, but I know they have a purpose and I tolerate them and usually don't even kill them if I find them in the house. But you slap a little red hourglass on the belly and my thoughts change drastically. I found this large mama in the garage and I seriously got nauseated with awful heebie jeebies. When I found more on the back porch/patio furniture, and then yet another building a web off my FREAKING MUDFLAP on my CAR I about lost it. In and around my herb pots, on the play equipment...I was living Arachnophobia for a while. And while we did kill every single one we found, along with egg sacs, I know there are likely more lurking, and I'm slowly coming to terms with the fact. I'm no longer on a hunt and kill mission, I'll be more careful dealing with low lying wood, pots, etc, but I no longer jump out of my skin thinking about it. And I can view these photos without feeling the need to puke.
Btw, these are 2 brown widows, even though the larger one is very dark and the bottom one is practically white. Apparently they are very timid and don't try to protect their web, so bites from them aren't that likely. However, I don't really want to test that bit of knowledge.
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