Ok, I see you are being facetious.
Owen keeps my busy. Even when I'm sleeping, I'm wondering in my head what he's up to and the minute wakefulness is near, my brain is practically jumping out of my body to check and make sure he's safe. And make sure the house and all inhabitants are safe as well.
Potty training is going well. He goes in, sits on the potty and does his thing, climbs up and washes his hands, and comes out. Well, that's what he WAS doing. He's decided to change things up a bit. These photos were taken a few days apart and you can see why I realized I had to put the childproof knob cover back on the bathroom door. It's not so much that I don't agree on the cleaning powers of detangler for glass, but the sink is a bit high off the tile floor for a bitty boy to fall and crack his head on. Sigh.
I'm not sure I totally approve of his dance-wear, either, but we have time to discuss that.
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