My mom asked about the Elmo tree, so I took some photos of it. Poor thing. But it's hanging on! You can see in the second photo the almost fatal blow it sustained when Kevin accidentally dropped a branch while trimming a palm tree above. I finally bought some more liquid seaweed fertilizer and ALL the plants love it. Including both trees. My poor tomatoes that I planted in January have withstood the freeze, and are finally starting to have some little fruits to show as well. Now if I could just keep the squirrels out of them, I may actually have a couple to eat in a week or two. I can't believe how 'old' the plants are, certainly past the time span for expected tomato production.
I bought 2 other tomato plants recently and they have already gotten as big or bigger than the initial two, and have babies as well. It's so nice to see things growing and alive.
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