Yesterday at school Zach went to the clinic b/c his eyes were apparently blurry all morning. His teacher, the nurse and myself were all pretty stumped b/c he didn't act like anything was wrong, no itching, redness, no blinking or rubbing his eyes, he just said it was blurry and he had to 'tense himself' to read, although he did large print pretty easily.
Long story short, we ended up at the ophthalmologist's office who, after examining Zach's vision and eyes, decided it was most likely a "fictitious event". I really don't think it was, but I don't think it's an eye issue either. Regardless, the doctor really pissed me off but I was happy this morning when Zach ecstatically proclaimed "I can read again!"
Then the school nurse called. Again. Zach's eyes are blurry again. WTF? I said to just keep him in school unless he's making a big deal of it and disrupting the class. He made it through school and by the time he came home he said they were fine. They did look still a bit dilated this morning from the drops he'd had yesterday so maybe there was some blurring from that? I don't know. I just spent the day with my head spinning from 'should I call the pediatrician again?' to 'is he faking and I'm totally falling for it?' to 'is there some nervous system/brain thing/migraine type event going on and I'm ignoring it?' and all that brain spinning sucked my motivation and energy right out my ears.
So, Sharon, I apologize for the messy house. Although you have seen it this bad and worse, which is actually the reason I wanted it CLEAN for a change when you got here. But thanks for ignoring it and thanks also for allowing me to use you for my photo of the day.
Isn't she pretty?

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